Sunday, March 25, 2012

Quick update, I had a pretty lousy cold, "humboldt crud" as many would describe here in the area.  I took almost a week of and not quite at an appropriate time for training.  I was feeling quite well with my training for the Stagecoach and my weight and strength were working together as expected.  I could feel my endurance increasing substantially from my regimen of hill climb runs, spin class intense workouts and some extensive rides.  One single moment of overlook, a depletion of minerals and recovery, lack of sleep and you quickly find yourself susceptible to colds and flus.

Tomorrow I start a rapid attempt to recoup time lost, strength and endurance lost.  Work will be a challenge this next month, major projects, major workload and travel arrangements for end of April, mixed with cycling training.  This is a moment in time that reminds me that I am not a paid athlete, I am a dedicated avid cyclist with very lofty goals.  I am proud to do what I do with the limited training time, the family responsibilities, a job that can need me at any given hour and yet, I keep raising the bar.  One of my bosses said to me in a recent review that I have a "well balanced work-life", I am not sure that is true, I struggle to balance it all but I guess i's not all out of whack so that's pretty good.

My frame bag needs a bit of work, some velcro work should be done this week.  I need to make 2-3 other bags or devices one for the bar, saddle and maybe the top tube.  Toying with ideas from what I see on the market and some ideas of my own to carry a sleeping bag, bivvy, sleeping pad and nutrition.  All other items I need to carry are somewhat already covered.

Had a great time today taking photos for Humboldt Adventure Wear's web pages and catalog.  They have a great product and even better outlook on how the see themselves as a company, not overbearing, with a healthy approach to how their product is made and marketed.  Finished my day with a hot tub visit to Finnish Hot Tubs with Liz and Noah, we all needed it bad.  Good times!

Off to Point Arena tomorrow and finalize some end of month work and then maybe a ride in Ft. Bragg area.


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