Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekending in SF

Stayed in SF this weekend, I finished work and figured why drive home only to drive back on Sunday night. I had an FCC exam scheduled for Monday so I simply parked the car and took the bike around for transportation. I stayed at the Hostelling International Hostel in City Center SF. What a great place, bar, breakfast, kitchen, movies and lots of interesting people from around the world. The neighborhood left a bit to be desired since it sits on the edge of the famous "Tenderloin". This is why I had to park the car in a safe location all weekend and rode the bike.

The bike however had a different weekend, after a nice day of rolling around the city I hung it up in the hotel bike closet. The next day I rolled it out and as soon as I started to pedal to my car because I needed something, I heard a pop! Not as loud as when I busted a chain ring but similar. I looked down and I saw an odd site a bash guard and chain ring wrapped around my crank and not about in site. Now one can speculate where the bolts went overnight but I'd rather think they fell out. This now required a 3 mile walk to the nearest bike shop to then ride 3 more to my car, but as we know that all ends up being part of the fun.

I rode about 4 hrs around the city Sunday and then headed out to eat dinner. I had to go try Don Pistos, a hot little Mexican place in North Beach where 7x7 magazine rated their hamburger a "top ten things to eat before you die". I have to say Sina and Chuck make it a pleasure to eat there and the owner, Chucks brother even bought me a beer. The food was awesome!! I ate the burger and WOW it's ground beef reground with bacon and scallions, served on a fresh roll with GREAT guacamole. Everyone should eat this once. Finally off to Santa Rosa for an early morning Monday.

Once I took my exam I had enough time for a ride or run but being right next Annadel State Park, I figured I should ride there and do a loop then drive home. What a perfect day for a ride, cool clear and sunny. I did a full loop of the park, descending Spring Creek and also climbing Rough Go on the all Rigid Niner. A few times I though I was going to break something but in reality it handled EVERYTHING I gave it.

One awesome thing I noticed was my legs were a bit pooped to start with but after about 30 minutes I started loosening up. I started drinking my Infinit Endurance mix which has protein and no caffeine, opposite my xc racing mix. This together with a swig of my Napalm gel mix, I felt so fresh after a 16 mile loop and subsequent ride back to the car.

I'm hoping for a 200-300 mile riding week. I may need to hit my buddies Tuma and Ortiz for some parts they are selling, lighter, stiffer, and better performing.

Peace bedtime!




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